
Project Title: People-to-People (P2P) – The Socio-Economic and Cultural Dimensions of the Abraham Accords
Project Duration: October 2021-June 2022

Relevance of the Research:

Starting from the US-led intervention in Iraq, the MENA region has undergone large-scale
transformations, with particular reference to the so-called Arab Springs. The partial failure of the latter
– and the consequent, detrimental spill-over effects – has shown that the “maximalist-revolutionary”option does not constitute the optimal way-forward.

In light of an ever-evolving geopolitical landscape marked, inter alia, by the US strategic retrenchment,the Abraham Accords puts forward a “reformist” approach, aimed at improving and not disrupting the
regional balance and the existing domestic political-institutional systems. As such, t he Abraham framework represents an innovative negotiation format and a model of regional bottom -up integration.

As an actor embedded in the Enlarged Mediterranean, Italy is called upon to strenghten its commitment to the stabilization of the region, also by seizing the opportunities deriving from cooperative frameworks such as the Abraham Accords.


To provide a theoretical analysis of the Accords based on the “People-to-People” (P2P) approach, with the goal to defining an “Abraham Paradigm”
potentially replicable in those conflictual situations where high-policy dispute resolution would otherwise be a no-starter.
To investigate the empirical dimension of the Agreements through the creation of an “Observatory of the Abraham Accords”, aimed to systematize knowledge on current and future legal and operational instruments developed within this framework. The analysis will be organized into two thematic strands:
o Geo-economy: Infrastructure and logistics; trade; energy; technology and scientific cooperation; finance and investment; health; environment; tourism.
o Geo-culture: Inter-religious dialogue; culture; education; civil society.

Publication of three “Geopolitical Briefs” focused, respectively, on the geopolitical background , the economic, and the cultural dimensions of the Abraham Accords (January, March, June 2022).

Creation of an interactive database – “P2P Tracker” – to monitor the implementation of the Accords.

International conference to be held in blended mode at Sapienza University of Rome (May 2022).

Dissemination activities through social media, podcasts and webinars

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