Rock Power Trio Female President release music video for “Enflamed In Effigy”
Female President is writing and recording their second EP ‘The Healing Ritual’. Healing is a tough and chaotic process, it often takes pain and discomfort to create motivation to change. Often when you work on making your life or circumstances better, you find yourself surrounded by strangers and outside of your comfort zone. The Healing Ritual explores the roller coaster ride from pain to peace.
“Enflamed In Effigy” was a slow burn, building in stages since 2020. The riff, tempo, and melody came to Dréa in 2020, tuning in like a distant radio signal, crackling static with power riffs breaking through. The lyrics came in layers, all inspired by current events and world tragedies. Mother is Earth, but Mother is also the broken-hearted mom helplessly watching the smoldering ashes of the home she built rise into the air, holding the remains of her dying child in a war-torn country or sending her sickly kids to bed hungry again while other children mine cobalt for cell phones and executives make the ozone bigger with luxurious travel. We are standing on the brink of massive change, we can’t go back to ignorance. We have to push through and make this world a better place.
An American family trio inspired by early roots of rock n roll; simplistic riffs that groove and dynamics that build to a fever pitch. Starting during the pandemic as a way to cope with canceled tours and shuttered venues, Female President writes songs with an honest grit and emotional vibe that you can groove to and rock out. Combining their unique playing styles and genuine love of music, Female President is an energized modern rock band with a sound all its own.
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