
Rome Italy’s FELDSPAR
Release “Dead Friends Still Alive” The Second Single + Video off Upcoming Debut Album Out This Fall
Produced By Nick Terry (The Libertines, Simian Mobile Disco, Peaches, Ian Brown/Stone Roses, Turbonegro, Kvelertak)
For Fans of: Life of Agony, Integrity, Trapped Under Ice, Fiddlehead, Comeback Kid, Gel, No Bro, Scowl, Sheer Mag, Jimmy Eat World, Kvelertak, Torche, Title Fight

“The powerful hardcore vocals and the almost bouncy rhythm of this song create a unique energy that’s perfectly encapsulated in this complex video that tells a compelling story of love, loss, debauchery, sex, and drugs. It’s a beautifully told artistic tribute to the loss of those we care most about, and it’s bound to strike a nerve for anyone who’s suffered a loss.” – New Noise Magazine


“These Roman hardcore newcomers once again kick in the doors and demand our attention with their second single.”- Uber Rock
Watch The Video Here

Stream on DSPs

Italian rock band FELDSPAR has released “Dead Friends Still Alive” the second single + video off the band’s upcoming debut LP out this fall on TTK Records.

The video reveals the collaboration between Feldspar and Thru Collected, multi-talented musicians and artists who have released work through Bomba Dischi, the quintessential Italian indie label.

The video tells a unique story of friendship and, with extraordinary cinematic skill, highlights the key moments of the song.

Commenting on the single, frontman Riccardo Zamurri says: “It was a great joy to work with the guys from Thru Collected. They perfectly captured the sense of physical loss but also the constant presence that a friend leaves around us when we grow up together and lose them forever”

Musically speaking, “Dead Friends Still Alive” is an emotionally charged hardcore anthem. It seems like the perfect synthesis between a fight song by Agnostic Front and early At the Drive-In”

Watch the “Dead Friends Still Alive” video here:
Stream on DSPs:
Pre-order the album here:
Hailing from Rome, this 6-piece ensemble is an integral part of a broad artistic community comprising illustrators, photographers, directors, and painters, all united by a shared mission. Additionally, the group maintains robust connections to London, Oslo, and Los Angeles.

Drawing from its Post-Hardcore origins and boundless compositional explorations, Feldspar crafts high-energy music that leaves a lasting impression.

With hardcore-infused choruses, unforgettable riffs, cinematic interludes, breakdowns, and powerful female vocals, Feldspar’s sound will resonate with fans of Life of Agony, Trapped Under Ice, Scowl, Kvelertak, Integrity, Torche, Gel, No Bro, Fiddlehead, Sheer Mag and Turbonegro.

In the eternal city of Rome, where the whispers of cryptic ecclesiastical hierarchies still linger, Feldspar emerges as
a musical enigma, delving into the shadows to unravel, with a
certain dose of irony and creativity, the clandestine threads of
power. Named after a mineral purportedly worn by a covert Roman clergy, this entity consists of six eclectic souls working tirelessly to expose the elusive puppeteers who have shaped the lives of millions of people. since the beginning of time.

Formed in late 2023 and based just a stone’s throw from the
Vatican, the Godless folk two blocks from the Pope, Feldspar’s journey begins with the legendary Andrew Mecoli, founder of the iconic Growing Concern, Mecoli’s guitar riffs echo the peculiar spirit of Italian hardcore. Joining him is Stefano Casanica, a prolific songwriter and producer,whose musical odyssey spans decades with undertakings in Undertakers, Craiving, Crude, and collaborations that transcend genres. Casanica’s production magic is immortalized in Noyz Narcos’ cult classic ‘Non dormire’, a cornerstone of Italian hardcore rap with millions of streamings so far.

Enter Riccardo Zamurri, the charismatic frontman and creative force behind Feldspar’s visual and thematic universe. With an imaginative prowess that spawns countless artistic collaborations worldwide, Zamurri shapes the band’s narratives
and lyrical landscapes. Anna Pasolini, the rising star, brings her sharp vocals and musical sensibility honed in London, where her mother, the Academy Award-winning composer Rachel Portman, imparted the musical craft. Pasolini’s environmental commitment as a dedicated scientist adds another layer to the band’s multifaceted identity.

Completing the lineup are the rhythmic anchors, Manlio Massimetti on bass and Luca Micheli on drums. Seasoned musicians with unwavering rhythmic certainties, contribute to Feldspar’s hardcore attitude and the myriad compositions that spring forth from their creative well.

With its hardcore roots and infinite compositional diversions,
Feldspar creates high-energy music that sticks in your head.

Their lyrics traverse contemporary themes, often rooted
in critiquing the mass commercial. drift of Western spirituality,
emanating from the heart of Rome. The band delves into the
psychoses of the individual, often transcending into imaginative
realms, and champions mental health and adaptability to

Environmental concerns, felt as urgent civic duties, find a prominent place in Feldspar’s lyrical arsenal. Finally, the band
pays homage to the communities to which it belongs, considering itself an expanded collective with friends and nonconformist artists at its core. Collaborations with figures such as Nick Terry, the London producer known for his work with countless Rock icons (The Libertines, Turbonegro, Kvelertak, The Stone Roses, Simian Mobile Disco) who produced the band’s debut album. Chris Wilson, a Tattoo artist and illustrator for Combust, Scowl, and many other American hardcore bands; Guido Gazzilli’s courageous photography, Marcello ‘Rise Above’ Crescenzi’s mastery of Roman art, and his exquisite illustrations further enrich the tapestry of the band’s creative journey and underscore Feldspar’s commitment to a diverse and vibrant artistic community. Over time, Luca “Solo Macello”, an exceptionally skilled illustrator and collaborator with bands worldwide, joined in. His cover for Salmo’s latest album, which remained at the top of the charts in Italy for weeks, has become one of the most important artworks in recent discographic history. Lastly, Nicolas Romero, an Argentine painter with Feldspar, is exploring uncharted visual universes.

In the intricate dance between sound, vision, and ideology,
Feldspar stands as a beacon, beckoning the curious to navigate
the uncharted waters of their musical realm.

The band has signed a contract for their debut album with TTK
Records, a cult label that includes bands like Fulci in its roster. The debut single,”Cobblestones”, is set to be released at the end of May. The track is a snapshot of Rome, a love song in a sense, depicting the band’s conflicted relationship with the city and the eternal clash between the forces of the establishment and those who oppose it.

Right after the summer, the debut album will be released. Eleven songs serve as the cornerstone in building the band. Recorded
at Bloom Studio in Rome and Mixed at Nick Terry’s Black valley studio in Oslo, It will be accompanied by the release of a fanzine
curated by the band, where the album’s concept will be visually
narrated through images, the result of years of research, art,
and life literally “…two blocks from the pope.”











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