
Afghanistan: Save the Children, due terzi dei bambini afghani, pari a più di 13 milioni, hanno bisogno di aiuto per sopravvivere nel 2022. Il numero di minori con urgente necessità di sostegno è aumentato di 3,4 milioni nell’ultimo anno

Gulwan* is 10 years old and lives with his mother, father, two sisters, two aunties, and three cousins. His other auntie, Zabi*, 29, is a widow and lives with his grandparents in the house next to them.
Zabi*, lives with her mother, father and her three children. Two months ago, her husband died from diabetes while travelling to Iran to get his mother who was alone and worried. When they had first married, Zabi had struggled with infertility however they got treatment and had three healthy baby girls, Faiza*, 2 and twins Aina* and Zora* both three months old.
They had lived happily together as a family but when the troubles started had to leave their home and sadly her Zabi’s husband died.
Now Zabi lives with her parents while her sister, brother, his partner and their four children live nearby. In total, there are six of them living in one household with the other 10 relatives living nearby. However only one person is able to work, and even then it is a struggle as the economic and conflict crisis’ have left little work for anybody.
Zabi’s brother is a hairdresser and provides for the family. His son, Gulwan*, is 10 years old and the eldest child out of the children between the two households so often helps with his sisters, nieces and nephews. He also takes care of the cow and goat and likes to do math at school. One day, when he is older, he would like to be a teacher.
His little sister, Pari*, 4, also shared that she would like to go to school one day to learn to read and write. Something Zabi hopes for her own children as she never had the opportunity to herself.
The family are struggling without resources to get food and in the photos and videos, they can be seen chewing bits of paper or rubble they found on the ground. Save the Children has provided them with a cash transfer which allowed them to get fuel for heating and food to feed the family.

L’Organizzazione – che ha sostenuto in queste prime settimane di gennaio 4.800 famiglie, a cui se ne aggiungeranno nei prossimi mesi altre 20.000 – chiede alla comunità internazionale di intensificare e stanziare fondi per raggiungere l’obiettivo di 4,4 miliardi di dollari per aiutare i bambini a sopravvivere al gelido inverno e al difficile anno a venire.

Gulwan* is 10 years old and lives with his mother, father, two sisters, two aunties, and three cousins. His other auntie, Zabi*, 29, is a widow and lives with his grandparents in the house next to them.
Zabi*, lives with her mother, father and her three children. Two months ago, her husband died from diabetes while travelling to Iran to get his mother who was alone and worried. When they had first married, Zabi had struggled with infertility however they got treatment and had three healthy baby girls, Faiza*, 2 and twins Aina* and Zora* both three months old.
They had lived happily together as a family but when the troubles started had to leave their home and sadly her Zabi’s husband died.
Now Zabi lives with her parents while her sister, brother, his partner and their four children live nearby. In total, there are six of them living in one household with the other 10 relatives living nearby. However only one person is able to work, and even then it is a struggle as the economic and conflict crisis’ have left little work for anybody.
Zabi’s brother is a hairdresser and provides for the family. His son, Gulwan*, is 10 years old and the eldest child out of the children between the two households so often helps with his sisters, nieces and nephews. He also takes care of the cow and goat and likes to do math at school. One day, when he is older, he would like to be a teacher.
His little sister, Pari*, 4, also shared that she would like to go to school one day to learn to read and write. Something Zabi hopes for her own children as she never had the opportunity to herself.
The family are struggling without resources to get food and in the photos and videos, they can be seen chewing bits of paper or rubble they found on the ground. Save the Children has provided them with a cash transfer which allowed them to get fuel for heating and food to feed the family.


Due bambini su tre – pari a più di 13 milioni – in Afghanistan hanno un disperato bisogno di aiuti salvavita, secondo i nuovi dati delle Nazioni Unite[1]. Si tratta di un aumento di oltre un terzo dall’inizio del 2021, mentre il Paese sta precipitando in una delle peggiori crisi umanitarie del mondo.

Save the Children, l’Organizzazione internazionale che da oltre 100 anni lotta per salvare le bambine e i bambini a rischio e garantire loro un futuro, chiede alla comunità internazionale di intensificare e stanziare fondi al fine di raggiungere l’obiettivo di 4,4 miliardi di dollari USA necessari per il Piano di risposta umanitaria del 2022, per aiutare i bambini a sopravvivere al gelido inverno e al difficile anno a venire.

Gulwan* is 10 years old and lives with his mother, father, two sisters, two aunties, and three cousins. His other auntie, Zabi*, 29, is a widow and lives with his grandparents in the house next to them.
Zabi*, lives with her mother, father and her three children. Two months ago, her husband died from diabetes while travelling to Iran to get his mother who was alone and worried. When they had first married, Zabi had struggled with infertility however they got treatment and had three healthy baby girls, Faiza*, 2 and twins Aina* and Zora* both three months old.
They had lived happily together as a family but when the troubles started had to leave their home and sadly her Zabi’s husband died.
Now Zabi lives with her parents while her sister, brother, his partner and their four children live nearby. In total, there are six of them living in one household with the other 10 relatives living nearby. However only one person is able to work, and even then it is a struggle as the economic and conflict crisis’ have left little work for anybody.
Zabi’s brother is a hairdresser and provides for the family. His son, Gulwan*, is 10 years old and the eldest child out of the children between the two households so often helps with his sisters, nieces and nephews. He also takes care of the cow and goat and likes to do math at school. One day, when he is older, he would like to be a teacher.
His little sister, Pari*, 4, also shared that she would like to go to school one day to learn to read and write. Something Zabi hopes for her own children as she never had the opportunity to herself.
The family are struggling without resources to get food and in the photos and videos, they can be seen chewing bits of paper or rubble they found on the ground. Save the Children has provided them with a cash transfer which allowed them to get fuel for heating and food to feed the family.

Zabi*, 29 anni, vive con sua madre, suo padre e i suoi tre figli. Due mesi fa, suo marito è morto di diabete durante un viaggio in Iran, lasciandoli senza una fonte di reddito. La famiglia sta lottando non avendo abbastanza soldi per il cibo e i figli di Zabi masticano pezzi di carta o macerie che trovano a terra per reprimere la fame. Save the Children ha fornito alla famiglia un sostegno economico in modo che Zabi* potesse ottenere carburante per il riscaldamento e cibo per sfamare la famiglia. Zabi* ha detto: “Quando mio marito era vivo, portava di tutto, dal cibo ai vestiti. Adesso è inverno e non ho vestiti pesanti per i miei figli. Non abbiamo soldi, non abbiamo niente. Non abbiamo combustibile per riscaldare la casa. Sento i miei figli piangere di notte a causa del freddo, non riescono a dormire per il gelo, non abbiamo cibo da mangiare e nessun nostro posto dove vivere. Con i soldi ricevuti da Save the Children, compreremo latte e altre cose. Basteranno un mese e poi dovremo affrontare gli stessi problemi”.

Gulwan* is 10 years old and lives with his mother, father, two sisters, two aunties, and three cousins. His other auntie, Zabi*, 29, is a widow and lives with his grandparents in the house next to them.
Zabi*, lives with her mother, father and her three children. Two months ago, her husband died from diabetes while travelling to Iran to get his mother who was alone and worried. When they had first married, Zabi had struggled with infertility however they got treatment and had three healthy baby girls, Faiza*, 2 and twins Aina* and Zora* both three months old.
They had lived happily together as a family but when the troubles started had to leave their home and sadly her Zabi’s husband died.
Now Zabi lives with her parents while her sister, brother, his partner and their four children live nearby. In total, there are six of them living in one household with the other 10 relatives living nearby. However only one person is able to work, and even then it is a struggle as the economic and conflict crisis’ have left little work for anybody.
Zabi’s brother is a hairdresser and provides for the family. His son, Gulwan*, is 10 years old and the eldest child out of the children between the two households so often helps with his sisters, nieces and nephews. He also takes care of the cow and goat and likes to do math at school. One day, when he is older, he would like to be a teacher.
His little sister, Pari*, 4, also shared that she would like to go to school one day to learn to read and write. Something Zabi hopes for her own children as she never had the opportunity to herself.
The family are struggling without resources to get food and in the photos and videos, they can be seen chewing bits of paper or rubble they found on the ground. Save the Children has provided them with a cash transfer which allowed them to get fuel for heating and food to feed the family.

“Il livello di sofferenza umana in Afghanistan ha eclissato quello di qualsiasi altra crisi umanitaria nel mondo. I numeri sono quasi impossibili da comprendere: si prevede che quasi l’intero Paese precipiterà nella povertà e più della metà della popolazione si trova ad affrontare livelli critici di fame. Ma i numeri raccontano solo una parte della storia. Per conoscere la reale portata di questa crisi, è necessario vedere i bambini dolorosamente magri che vengono portati nelle nostre cliniche afflitti da grave malnutrizione, le madri disperate che passano giorni senza cibo in modo che i loro bambini affamati possano mangiare, le famiglie che sopravvivono per settimane solo con il pane, rannicchiati sotto le coperte per riscaldarsi perché non possono permettersi la legna da ardere. E queste non sono solo le famiglie più svantaggiate: quasi l’intera popolazione sta lottando per sopravvivere” ha dichiarato Fiona McSheehy, Direttore di Save the Children in Afghanistan.

Gulwan* is 10 years old and lives with his mother, father, two sisters, two aunties, and three cousins. His other auntie, Zabi*, 29, is a widow and lives with his grandparents in the house next to them.
Zabi*, lives with her mother, father and her three children. Two months ago, her husband died from diabetes while travelling to Iran to get his mother who was alone and worried. When they had first married, Zabi had struggled with infertility however they got treatment and had three healthy baby girls, Faiza*, 2 and twins Aina* and Zora* both three months old.
They had lived happily together as a family but when the troubles started had to leave their home and sadly her Zabi’s husband died.
Now Zabi lives with her parents while her sister, brother, his partner and their four children live nearby. In total, there are six of them living in one household with the other 10 relatives living nearby. However only one person is able to work, and even then it is a struggle as the economic and conflict crisis’ have left little work for anybody.
Zabi’s brother is a hairdresser and provides for the family. His son, Gulwan*, is 10 years old and the eldest child out of the children between the two households so often helps with his sisters, nieces and nephews. He also takes care of the cow and goat and likes to do math at school. One day, when he is older, he would like to be a teacher.
His little sister, Pari*, 4, also shared that she would like to go to school one day to learn to read and write. Something Zabi hopes for her own children as she never had the opportunity to herself.
The family are struggling without resources to get food and in the photos and videos, they can be seen chewing bits of paper or rubble they found on the ground. Save the Children has provided them with a cash transfer which allowed them to get fuel for heating and food to feed the family.

I nuovi dati pubblicati dalle Nazioni Unite rivelano che 24,4 milioni di persone – più della metà della popolazione del Paese – avranno bisogno di aiuti nel 2022[2]. Si stima che 13,1 milioni di loro siano bambini, rispetto ai 9,7 milioni di inizio 2021.

Un altro segno evidente dell’escalation della crisi è l’aumento dei bambini che soffrono di malnutrizione, che balzano a 3,9 milioni, con un aumento di ben 700.000 rispetto ai precedenti 3,2 milioni. Un milione di loro si sta dirigendo verso la malnutrizione acuta grave che, se non trattata adeguatamente, mette a rischio la loro vita.

Save the Children sta sostenendo in queste prime settimane di gennaio 4.800 famiglie per garantire che possano acquistare cibo essenziale per affrontare l’inverno, a cui se ne aggiungeranno nei prossimi mesi altre 20.000 famiglie che verranno aiutate ad acquistare una stufa e una fornitura di legna per tre mesi, o una stufa a gas e gas per tre mesi come supporto per la cucina. L’Organizzazione sta, inoltre, distribuendo migliaia di set di vestiti, coperte e altri articoli invernali.

Save the Children sostiene le comunità e protegge i diritti dei bambini in tutto l’Afghanistan dal 1976, anche durante i periodi di conflitto, cambio di regime e disastri naturali. Da quando i programmi sono ripresi a settembre, Save the Children ha raggiunto 222.910 persone, inclusi 146.690 bambini.


*i nomi sono stati cambiati

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